Friday, March 02, 2007

Dawdy on Australian Radio

Philip Dawdy of the wonderful Furious Seasons blog will be featured on the Australia Radio National network on the All in the Mind program. It is due to air at 10 PM EST -- it can be streamed live here. He'll be talking about the Zyprexa debacle, on which he has written extensively on his site. I have written about similar topics. Mr. Dawdy is also hosting the Zyprexa documents, which have likely been downloaded by hundreds, if not thousands of individuals worldwide, likely much to Lilly's chagrin.

I'm certain that his appearance on Aussie radio is going to be well worth a listen. Check it out. It will also be rebroadcast on Sunday at the same time, and I assume it will also be archived on the broadcaster's site at some point in the near future. I also cannot wait to hear what Lilly has to say in its defense, as one of their spokespersons is apparently going to appear on the show as well.

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